Don’t be Discouraged when Business is Slow

Business is slow, my website numbers are great, and my social media is getting constant compliments, but business is slow. There are many reasons for this and I have my thoughts, but let’s leave those out there for speculation.

So, what to do about it? Do I panic, well let’s be honest, deep inside I do a little bit. Do I change what I am doing and lower my prices? Is my work worth less today than it was yesterday? No, it is not.

Be Honest

I have a friend at church who is an interior designer that I have done work for in the past. I saw her Sunday and she asked how business was. Honestly, we all would want to say at this point that “all is fabulous”. But that’s not true in my case so I replied that business is slow. Yes, I do have projects on the bench but nothing in the pipeline once these are complete. Because misery loves company, I was kind of happy to hear her say that she was slow as well. Yes, I know, I know, not the right thought. But she and I have always been able to have these conversations honestly. It’s nice to have someone like this.

Let’s go back to before I left corporate America and start to answer this question. I have been building for about 30 years and enjoying what I do. Most of the builds were for family. Then about 15 years ago I started to build for customers. I worked with some of those customers, so everyone saw my work. I would get asked regularly, “Why are you still here and not building full-time”? My response then was “When God is ready for me to go full-time, He will tell me”. Yes I know, cliché’, but the real reason.

So, what was my answer to her or anyone else during this slow time or any other time where I have a project on the bench but nothing in the pipeline? Here I go with another story, LOL.

Leaning on Faith

Over these past years, since I became a full-time maker, people would ask if I had enough work. I would always reply “God will not allow me to be any busier than I can handle at any given time.” You see, I work alone and, well, I am not as young as I used to be. We laugh all the time that God knows exactly where I am on a project and new prospects come in just as I begin to finish a present project.

The Family Greenhouse

Funny story about this year. Things were slow in January and February, so we decided to take on a personal project of building a garden shed. This would allow us to grow our fruits and vegetables and keep the deer and squirrels at bay.

First I drew up the plans with my Sketchup software as I would for any client. We had many discussions on how big to build, where to build and the finishing of the building itself. Just like a regular client!

We decided to place it in the same location as our old garden, so I cleared a 12 x 12 plot of land, put down stone for drainage, and built a 12 x 12 deck.

Keep Moving Forward

That part was done, but still no projects. My wife said to me, “w”Well when God is ready and you are done with this project the work will come in.”

So next I built an 8 x 12 stud framed building, added chicken wire and a screen door. Still waiting, so we kept moving forward on this build. Time to mill and add cedar 30″ up and 6″ down on the top. This will make the framework rigid as well as make it blend into the yard and look nice. I coated all the cedar with NovaWoodExoShield clear Tung oil and sealed the pressure-treated framing and deck with stain.

Garden Shed

Then the grandkids and I built 3 very large planter boxes 90 x 32 x 30 and moved them into the shed.

So, for the most part, this is complete. Oh wait, between the stud work and the box work requests started coming in, just as I turned it over to my wife to start planting.

The moral of the story, Yes, I know, my wife and God are always right. I completed the work needed to keep my wife happy and protect the food we grow. Meanwhile, the new project requests come in just as I finish up.

Shed complete, new projects ready to begin.

When business is slow again, will I panic? Maybe a little, but am I worried, NO!

Let’s be honest, I have a wonderful wife who is a self-employed book designer, she handles the major income after allowing me to do that for 40 years. We have these conversations about the challenges of self-employment all the time. But we’ve seen God provide over and over throughout the years with her business. Now it’s my turn to learn I must stand on my faith in God and trust him to keep this business moving forward.

Keep the Faith

Funny, that I needed to stop writing this as I went to a checkup and when I returned there were two requests in my inbox. Yes, God has a wonderful sense of humor!

Keep the faith. Keep looking up – That’s what I will do

P.S. Update on the Greenhouse

The plants are thriving and growing up and over the top of the roof. This weekend we added a trap door in the ceiling to pick the beans and a ladder to reach them – obviously, the grandkids love the adventure and the fresh food!

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  1. BB

    The Real Person!

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    The Real Person!

    Author BB acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    Great job on the greenhouse!

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